WhatsApp has been working on a new feature that's been available on its rival app, Telegram, for years: animated emojis. Recently, WhatsApp introduced this feature in its latest beta version, catching up with Telegram, which has been adding new animated emojis to its collection with each app update.
According to WABetaInfo, a
website that analyses WhatsApp Beta codes, the new feature is now available for
some users. When sending a message on WhatsApp, users can select an animated
emoji from a dedicated section, where the emojis are sorted into various
categories such as "love," "funny," "sad,"
"surprise," and more.
One of the benefits of
animated emojis is that they are more expressive than static ones, making them
perfect for conveying emotions such as excitement, laughter, or sadness.
Moreover, WhatsApp's use of the Lottie library, which enables developers to
embed animations in apps in a simple way, ensures that the emojis retain good
quality despite their larger size.
Animated emojis are not the
only feature that WhatsApp has borrowed from Telegram. In June 2021, WhatsApp
introduced the option to use the same account in the messaging app on several
mobile devices at the same time, a feature that had been available on Telegram
for years.
While some users may argue
that WhatsApp is playing catch-up with Telegram, others believe that this
strategy is beneficial as it helps to improve user experience and ensures that
the app remains relevant and up-to-date.
In conclusion, the addition of
animated emojis to WhatsApp is another step towards making the app more
engaging and fun for its users. With this new feature, WhatsApp is following in
the footsteps of Telegram, adding another feature that has been available on
its competitor's app for years. Whether this will be a hit or a miss among
WhatsApp users remains to be seen, but it's clear that the app is working hard
to keep up with the latest trends and innovations in the messaging app market