Over the past few days, WhatsApp has improved its mobile application with a series of features that you have been waiting for a long time, such as the ability to send messages to yourself or the ability to use your WhatsApp account on two mobile phones at the same time.
But the improvements to the WhatsApp for Android app don't stop there, because we just learned that the Meta-owned messaging app is already putting an end to one of the biggest annoyances on the app.
The specialized moderator WABetaInfo has discovered in the latest WhatsApp Beta for Android version that the instant messaging platform is redesigning its camera mode interface, which focuses on improving video recording from the app.
As you can see in the images that we leave you with in these lines, when you open the camera mode in the WhatsApp application, two buttons appear at the bottom, one for taking photos and the other for recording videos, which allows you to change each other in a much easier way, because until now and before recording a video you had to Long press the shutter button
In addition, if you go into video recording mode, you also have a button in the upper right corner to activate and disable the flash and another in the lower right to switch between the rear and front camera.
This new WhatsApp camera mode interface is now available to all WhatsApp Android testers, which means if you want to try it out as soon as possible, all you have to do is sign up for its Beta program.